

A Trip To The Unknown
With hopes so high from the start
Even without a known destination
We all seek to become the greatest
In our eyes and in the eyes of all
Some swim through the dirt
Others driving upon the asphalts
We all move in the same direction
With different speeds but same destination
We know of it’s attributes but
We do not know what it holds
We learn from those who claim to be there
With their words we get our motivation
So we move, with our very own speed.
Some fall off the road;
With ignorance and carelessness
Others fall off without fault
Yet we all fight for the destination
We all hope to see the future
Without even knowing where it is
The future is the present
Since the present is the past’s future
Live every moment like
You would want to live someday
The future smiles in the glory of the present

© Zëûs