

Tragic Love
If dreams were hers just by asking
The galaxy? or a vast open shore
her hearts only desire,
a whispered answer.......
Just him......Nothing more

For in him she finds everything
Light, water, air and love
All she needs to survive
He's The reason she breathes
All her illusions are made of

His effulgence rains on her face
As she drinks him in
In his absence she lives in dissention
This creature so magnificent
He is her titanic extension

Diverted from her way too often
Mere salvation that runs through her veins
For an instant it seems he's with her
Lacerated again, her heart shatters
But her immortal love yet remains

She cries though she waits for him diligently
Even, bruised and battered her soul is
she pines for his touch,no words can decipher
a love quite as harrowing as this.

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