

A letter to my withered commitments.🌬️🌧️🌀🌩️⚡
To decipher this, I have to make decisions,
decisions that will either be the best or worst ever made in my book of history.
Finally ready to get out of the self made maze of feelings that were either or not worthwhile.
If it's a success, I'll lose people, but it's okay, people come and go.

Etanglements that cramped me in a space of nothingness, unnecessary breaks and shattered pieces, friendships that were like storms mixed with lightnings and thunderbolts in a bowl of self centered commitments.

Being one of those the new founded law of boundaries will hit like a brick, you're yet to discover but soon you will see.
Sorry if you feel like I let you down, but you did it first and I let you back cause I was yet to let go.

A lot of commitments that promise a future that will not hold, peace that was never felt. To avoid the hurt lurking in the corners of pieces we will never be able to fix, let go.

I promise it's a game I can play till forever, but now, the pros and cons have been weighed and nothing but deceit is left in it.

I can do a five, a six but what honours will be received in too many deceitful connections? The garland of shame is available for anyone. So cheap, even free of charge.
Perhaps me not getting one, me refusing to have one might not be a bad thing.
For what the future holds is more delicate than pleasures that don't last three months.

I pray you, keep your sweet tongue of lies and truth till that time a new concoon of my strength and majesty can outweigh the sweet nothings you are willing to give.

If the feelings be as you have said it to be, keep it till I'm a better version of myself. Till we're both better versions of ourselves.
Till that time when a step away from you will bring forth regrets and pains, when no texts and calls will cause you pain Instead of relief.

All these I desire of someone I will call my own man.

Believe me, now isn't the right time.
So, close this book and yearn for another chapter. 😌☝️🌬️
© Diamondwrites..