

l have lines in my Carpet

Sometimes I have lines in my carpet,
Those who do it will no doubt understand,
But sometimes those lines in my carpet,
Make me feel like I am on remand.

A prisoner to my own standards,
"I MUST do these carpets today",
But my body enforces restrictions,
So the sofa is where I will lay.

The washing piles up in the kitchen,
The dishes lay sat in the sink,
Most of the day I've now wasted away,
And my body is still on the brink.

I blink away the tears,
That fear of failure's not going away,
"Tommorow I'll be more motivated",
As motivation is what I lacked today.

Overwhelmed is what I start feeling,
For I still have so much to do,
My body and mind aren't being kind,
As I lay here feeling down and blue.

A new day rolls on,
It came round so fast.
Forget about yesterday,
It's now in the past.

Do better today,
A new day has started,
Yesterday has long departed,
Put lines in your carpet,
Draw a line in the sand,
"You CAN do this" I try to demand.

My body protests,
"I'll do what I please",
"If you TRY to do this, you won't do it with ease".

My mind steps in,
"Come on now flower",
"If you start it now you'll be done in an hour"

You'd think it to be easy,
An hour a day.
"I won't make it easy"
It continues to say.

What I've done today,
Will take two days to recover.
Then the following day,
Is like every other.

My mind grows foggy,
Tasks forgotten,
Some days it feels like I'm hitting rock bottom.

But onwards I go,
I WILL find the will, or a way,
To not let Fibromyalgia win,
I'll do better, someday.


© asaph