

Howling curses of the night
With blood and wails, my words take form,
A curse I've cast, your fate shall ignite.
My retribution, your plight.

In the silence of the night, you'd seek my love,
But feel nothing but the ashes of my heart.
With every breath, you'd ache for me,
Yet suffocate from the weight of my absence.

Loneliness will engulf you, and in the shadows, your cries for help would resound,
Only to be met with the echoes of your desperation.
You'd implore the angels, the heavens, and your God,
But their ears would remain sealed, the gates of heaven locked, and His face concealed.

Your world shall unravel , like tapestry in flames,
Your story forgotten, never to be told.
A life of sorrow and solitude, a life that fades like a dream in the morning light.
Loneliness your friend, and in shadows you'll roam,
The echoes of your choices, will whisper into your ears,
Feeding your nightmares.

No saviors, no mercy, no divine grace,
Your fate shall be entwined with my curse.
Oh what a poetic embrace.

© inkedNivek