

When did the apples turn sour,
Why did the bricks start to fall from our tower,
How did the storm clouds darken and swell,
Who put the cat in a bucket and kicked it down the well.
Why did the dog choose to shit on our floor,
When did the hinges get ripped from our door,
Who smashed our windows and pissed up our wall,
I want to escape I’m sick of it all.
I didn’t notice joy turn to horror and fear,
Or see our champagne turn to warm stale beer,
I never saw the shine oxidise into rust,
Or the warmth and the love turn to poisoned mistrust.
Now I’m just standing in rubble and ruin,
I can’t rebuild this alone but that’s just what I’m doing,
For every brick I replace you knock down ten more,
While I long for the sunshine creeping in through the door.