

Madhouse Media
The mainstream media in India
is going through selective amnesia,
They have forgotten the true meaning of journalism,
All they now care about is their income.

When I was young, News was so boring,
because journalists were unbiased,
who were not afraid to ask questions.
Now watching news is a great source of entertainment,
Why pay for Prime, Hotstar, or Netflix,
when we can access these jokers for free!

I wonder how do they slept at night?
Do they even know what's right?
Don't their families or friends,
Suggest them to correct themselves!

Guys, don't stoop down so low,
Political parties will come and go,
What will remain with you is your conscience,
For the rest of your lives it will haunt you.
Take out some time for introspection,
Before it is too late for redemption...

© Polkola
#news #media #introspection #redemption #Politics #journalism