

52 Card Pickup
Heart of gold and resilience like a brick wall.
No matter the circumstance she refuses to fall.
Old wives tales and tricks from her native traditions.
Stories of our family, she tells many renditions.
Adopted her as my mother, a support no one else can understand.
Always knows what to say, to comprehend God's plan.
Playing cards and keno seems to be what she enjoys.
Two daughters she has, plus three boys.
Major influence on my children, she will never give up.
Wins lots of money and not just because of luck.
Unsolicited advice and lessons of what not to do.
When the man of your marriage, keeps feeling you blue.
Claudia is her given name, she is considered my parent for sure.
Most courageous lady I know for all she's endured.
#grandma #grandparents #love #family

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