

Many Hats 👒
A woman wears many hats, but the one with the tightest squeeze,
Is the role of a father, to her fatherless child who’s being teased.
In the quiet strength of her embrace,
She steps into that empty space.

She loses sleep just to make ends meet,
Walking life’s path with tireless feet.
In the face of pain, she finds her voice,
For her child’s joy, she makes the choice

With courage bold and heart so wide,
She shields her child from life’s rough tide.
In every tear, in every plea,
She stands as strong as any tree.

When schoolyard taunts and cruel remarks,
Try to leave their lasting marks,
She teaches love, resilience, grace,
And wipes the tears from her child’s face.

She dons the cap of wisdom true,
Guiding with a steady view.
In moments dark, in times of fear,
She whispers, “I’m always here.”

She plays the games, she throws the ball,
She answers every hopeful call.
In bedtime stories, late-night talks,
She walks with him in endless walks.

Her heart a fortress, her spirit bright,
A beacon in the darkest night.
With every hug, with every smile,
She bridges gaps, mile by mile.

For though the world may not always see,
The depth of her capacity,
She wears this hat with quiet might,
A father’s role in love’s own light.

A woman wears many hats, and though some may come with ease,
The tightest squeeze, the hardest task, is the one she does to please.
Her fatherless child, her pride, her joy,
Her strength shines through her girl or boy.

In every challenge, every trial,
She walks the path, mile by mile.
A testament to love’s true art,
A father’s role within her heart.

As the sun climbs high, a worker proud,
Her voice strong, her spirit loud.
In boardrooms, classrooms, fields afar,
She shines bright, a guiding star.

In her strength, her child finds ease,
Amid the storm, a gentle breeze.
Her sacrifice and love complete,
A testament to a heart so sweet


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo