

I'm like a poem longing to be recited.
A metaphor longing to be on paper.
I'm lime an ink of a pen that fails to drop and leave a mark of remembrance..
I'm more of a silenced reciter of a poem that I have long jot - and I'm longing for you to recite it for me...
So I know - you stand by me....

I'm like a book covered with a reckless cover.
I'm more like a story left untold.
Maybe I am a novel and each chapter carry no meaning,
Its senseless,
It doesn't have a meaning.
For the meaning of this poem is within you,
And you are the narrator of this story.
Its then that I will know - you stand by me
If only you could read my story...

You.. You're like a wind that disappears whenever you see the light of my heart.
And I'm left alone.
I am like a song without a melody,
A poem that was never recited,
A book left unread...
For you are the very light that brightens the love in me...
Baby put in more metaphors and personifications
Sing loud the song I wrote .
Then I'll know you always stand by me...

Baby! Your words of inclination brings closer to my ear - sweet melodies.
When you say "let be my shoulder you'd lean on" you give me senerity to show enchantment when I'm wrapped in your arms..
Lets tongue-tight so to believe you always by my side....
Stand by me ❤
