

Versions of Reality
In realms of thought, reality's dance,
Versions myriad, a fleeting trance.
Perception weaves its tapestry,
A kaleidoscope of what could be.

Dreams, a canvas of the mind's embrace,
Where fantasy and truth interlace.
Illusions paint with colors bold,
Stories whispered, tales untold.

In shadows cast by the shifting light,
Alternate worlds take fleeting flight.
Dimensions veiled, unseen, unheard,
A symphony of the absurd.

Each perspective a lens to wear,
A reality unique to bear.
Parallel truths in cosmic array,
A multiverse where echoes play.

In the theater of perception's stage,
Versions of reality engage.
From the mundane to the sublime,
The tapestry of space and time.

So, ponder well this vast expanse,
Of versions woven, in a cosmic dance.
For in the fabric of what we deem,
Lie the echoes of a boundless dream.
© Le_vicky20