

shadows of love
Amid life's uncertain twists and turns,
In the ebb and flow, where our spirit yearns,
Remember, through all that we'll go through,
I'll be your shadow, forever holding you.

In the darkest night, when stars softly gleam,
I'll be there, a whisper in your dream,
Watching over you, with tender care,
In the silent moments, I'll always be there.

In the morning's embrace, where new days start,
You'll find me in the beat of your heart,
For in every moment, I'll softly sing,
"I love you," my dear, to you, I'll bring.

Though the world may change, and time may fly,
In this love, together, we'll reach the sky,
With the echoes of love, forever true,
I'll be your shadow, eternally with you.
© Karma