

Beyond Tomorrow
when I leave this world,
remember me
in the quiet moments we shared—
the mountains we climbed,
the laughter that filled the air,
the simple joy of being together.

think of the words
I poured onto the page,
not just as poems,
but as pieces of myself,
left behind to remind you
that you were loved,
deeply, and without end.

remember the nights we spilled coffee,
trying to be calm,
yet consumed by something greater,
a fire that couldn’t be extinguished,
even when the world outside was silent.

hold onto the scent
of the flowers I learned to name,
because I wanted to share them with you,
and the hills we escaped to,
away from the noise,
where we found peace in each other’s company.

think of the glances we shared on the bus,
the unspoken understanding in our eyes,
and the songs we sang together in the car,
driving with the windows down,
voices mingling with the wind.

remember me in how I loved you—
before today, beyond tomorrow,
even when I’m no longer here,
that love remains,
a quiet presence,
always with you.

© reddragonfly