

Black is Beautiful
Black is Beautiful

In darkness lies beauty, untold and unseen
A radiance that glows, like the night's soft sheen
Black is the color, of the earth below
A symbol of strength, and a heritage to know

It's the shade of skin, that's rich and bold
A testament to the stories, of a history untold
Of resilience and pride, of a people so grand
Who rose above the ashes, to claim their rightful land

Black is beautiful, in all its forms
A celebration of culture, that echoes and swarms
In the rhythms of music, the beats of the drum
A language of love, that speaks directly to the hum

So let us embrace, this beauty so true
And honor the legacy, that's forever shining through
For black is beautiful, in every single way
A treasure to cherish, every single day.

Note: This poem is a tribute to the "Black is Beautiful" movement, which aimed to promote self-esteem, self-worth, and empowerment among people of African descent. The poem celebrates the beauty and strength of black culture, heritage, and identity.