

Life ends, Death is Forever
Let her sleep deep,
tick tick tock
Let us not weep,
tick tock
For she is at her journey’s end,
Left with no memories to mend.
Time has run its course and tears
will steal my pain as they flow from my eyes.
You will gradually vanish from my thoughts as memories of your face
struggle to remain alive in my dreams.
I wish I could share your smile.
The way it glowed.
I just wish I could see your smile before my journey ends too soon.
But I can hear the tick tock even louder
when I'm alone at night.
My time is coming next.
The pulsing sound interrupting my dreams of you.
I think my heart is tired of dreaming of you.
Or maybe it's become too painful for my
heart to lose you again each morning when I'm forced to stop dreaming..
I think with a smile only meant for you, the tick tock is just a countdown to you.
I want to join you.
See you. Feel you. Say 'I love you!'
I'm ready to be with you.
© reynaober