

A cup of coffee (christian poem)
Here you are again,
It's an another day or a new morning
Yet the past or about the future
Is where you're drowning

It's okay to cry and feel its pain
But don't stay there for too long
—You'll understand why they happened
Not now or sooner but someday,
And it's okay not to be okay

Embrace this day, today
Don't stress too much about someday
You may walk in your path slowly
To the Lord, give Him everything you worry

If you do not know the reason
Or find it hard to wake up everyday,
Then, let Him be your cup of coffee
His love is sweeter than sugar and honey
But feels like stevia for your body

What you feel is valid
For you're just a human
But I hope you feel better one day
If you don't feel okay,
You may tell Him everything and pray
© angie