

Life is a short journey
When we are kids we think life
is easy for grown ups not knowing
that we all face hardships and its
not easy for everyone there no
difference where there you are young
or grown up.
ln life we met many different
faces and hidden masks .
We also sometimes have share joy
and sometimes share sorrow that's
how life it is.
lt doesn't make any difference
even if you are rich or poor
because we all face hardships
and also no matter what you
you may own euros, diamonds, big houses
you may also own a ferrari such a
luxurious life but we will die together.

When we die obviously we will be
buried on the same ground or be burnt
and also the ground will be the same as
it will be filled with soil and also
it won't be the same anymore whether
you are rich or poor thats life.

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