

Happy Poem
You can commit
Friends need they're other half
Mothers want you to love they're cooking
But your smile at dinner will disappear
Stay with your siblings
They will miss your voice when your gone
Your pets are waiting for you to come home!
Woof! Woof! Meow! Meow! It's a Saturday, he doesn't go to the supermarket now?
Just have some time with yourself
Overcome sadness, make him a drawing
Add a heart and some positive words
Hang it up the wall
Don't end it all!
This is my Happy Poem
Now stay happy and stay home.
Even if it's a stranger or you are an only child
The stranger cannot wait to be friends with you
And make great memories
Even the little brother waiting to come to the world
Is just dreaming of meeting you
But those dreams are demolished...
Don't commit, stay happy!