

Finding My Voice... Again
As I fell into this nightmarish abyss like a wrecking ball to a building, I have come to be very aware of this little voice that echos in my head.

So long ago that tiny voice was silenced and never heard. So many times she had things to say but any time she tried she was silenced and so I tucked her away.

She has laid in silence for so long that her voice isn't very strong. Now, as the days have gone by I can hear her ideas, thoughts, wants, and her needs I can feel inside are making her strong. She practices everyday in making sure her voice is loud enough and her intentions strong enough. She tugs and pulls at me... she tells me how she has to be heard. It's important not just to her but more for me.

Tears roll down my saddened face as I sit here crying again because I allowed things into my life I really never wanted in. I wipe my tears and away, look and her and questions, "how could anything you have to say help me in any sort of way?"

She reached over and wiped away yet another tear and simply said, "because I'm the voice that lives within you that was never heard so long ago. I'm the one is able to tell people 'no' for you. I am the one that no one ever listened to, that you now hide, or disguise as a joking remark when you really want to say what you think, feel, need and want. I am the part of you, that got lost in this the box and because of that you walked down this harder path. I am your confidence."

At that moment is when I looked up and realized that I in fact, was that stiffled voice that echoes in my head.
© Rhonda Broker