

For Her
Doom and gloom,
shattered and lost,
My journey thought to be,
I'd go towards a path of unknown.
You've lost, dwellers melancholy I'd heard,
Tears among the winds of darkness,
Shalt I become truly lost,
As they said to be.
Stands on the verge of dilemma,
Summer evening of cricket songs,
Thou a lost soul,
Walk across a beauty of Angel's defined.
Resembles a truly angel of heaven above,
Thy eyes looks matchless,
Thy skin glows in summer sun,
Thy hair dances with the breeze.
Shalt I dreamt to be yours,
As I dreamt of you deeper in me,
Thou shalt I walk pass envying thy beauty,
A theme of rainbow elopes within.
Shalt I stand closer to thy bosom,
For thy warmth freezes me,
Creator in His best order of choices,
Falls thy for me to shower happiness.
Colors of sweetness and gifts of all lost souls,
Thy love saves me for a reason,
Until thereafter sweetness overflows,
Still dreaming of summer cricket songs.
I sadly turn the pages over,
just to cling myself to thy pictures,
To love you forever,
till pages of life gets over.
© Tekasangba walling