

I Am Nothing to You Now, But I was Something Then...
In memories, I linger on
A ghost of love, a forgotten song
Once I was the beat in your heart
Now I'm just a distant, fading start.

I was the sunshine in your day
The calm in every stormy way
But now I'm just a shadow of the past
A reminder of love that didn't last.

I am nothing to you now
Just a whisper, a echo somehow
But I was something then
A love that burned, a heart that bled within.

In dreams, I still see your face
A fleeting glimpse of a forgotten place
Where love once bloomed, and hope did too
But now I'm left with just this longing, true.

I am nothing to you now
But in memories, I still somehow
Hold on to the love we used to share
A bittersweet reminder of what we once were.
© Promise Okon