

That touch,
Was something grateful or ungrateful
I really donno
That touch,
Which came from someone
You know or stranger
Doesn't matter
Because a touch is a touch
That makes you feel
So uncomfortable
That you can't
Sleep for nights and keep crying
On your destiny
That touch,
Makes you remember everything
That had happened with you
Not once but infinite
That journey from
Feeling to scratching
From loveliest to ugliest
That drastic change comes
That touch,
Makes us do so...
All the scratches and wounds
Will heal by time
But that touch,
Will never heal,
But reveal your inner self
And beauty
Just hug yourself
And love yourself
Love your body
And feel it
You will never forget that touch and pain
But atleast you can move on
To heal yourself.

© Khushi Prajapati Aazad-e-kalam