

Make me forget
He wraps me in the warmth of his embrace
Melodious sounds that make me shiver
Feeling of wholeness exuding from our pores
Exchanging our powers
When he is weak, I am strong
When I am afraid, he is my encouragement
Years of separation
Years of pain built on lies
Countless time wasted
Love never depleted
Withstanding the tests of time
And yet we could finish each other's sentences
Know when the other was too far in pain
He is the love I have yearned for
Molded in the man from my past
Recreated anew in love
A song can speak of every word I feel
Though my heart's song screams his name
My mind would tell me to run
No destination
Scarred, but the heart still beats in sync
Gentle thump thump thump thumps
Yet as I stare into his eyes,
stained cheeks of red
An erratic beat from my chest
My deadening vessels once again filling with life
Making me forget often those that made the wounds
Healing my insecurities with confirmation
Knowing that I will be his safe place as he is mine
Fill my life with more than
Loving on you past the distance between us
Feeling like I have seen other half staring into my soul

© Sista Alia