

You Are The Reason
It was simple for you, yet you put it so hard on me
you told me you’d stay forever while we watch the sea
You’d say you will never let me go
but those were only mere words about which I didn’t know
I want to go back to the time when your hug refreshed my tired soul
when your curved smile was enough to console
I didn’t know when you became my life
and rest you know about how displeasing is life
every night I frowned you said I can tell you secrets followed by sweet dreams
and I unknowingly, crazily spilled the beans
I really thought you didn’t mean when you said the goodbyes
but who knew you’d pull me down, after taking me to the skies
I was ready to put my head down and dream sweetly as you said
But today I slept all night over the wet pillow ‘coz of the tears I shed
Everyone’s joyfully looking at the blossoms in this spring season
and here I can’t yet get over it for which you are the reason
though I need neither however, you owe me a sorry and a payback
I can overcome mine, but what would you do about the brain you lack
Maybe the misfortune wasn’t mine but yours the whole time
That I didn’t lose you but you lost me, the one who will before you shine
The nights I used for you to text and fantasise
Will be utilized now to help me grow wise
The tiny sparkly eyes which had eye liners under it
Are now having dark circles which totally permitted
Relax you boy! I won’t be coming for you to seek revenge
I am a busy lady now; I give all these kinds of work to karma to avenge
I am not the girl who liked the pinks, am a lady with a blazer of deep black shade
yeah! I read up on the books and now I walk in through the doors as a self-made
Now I don’t run behind looks, since I got myself to love not a society to impress
Currently I am not having attitude but a wearing a cloak of high standards as a result of my success
Even if you give the sorry you owe, You can never give me the warmth I need to fix this heart of mine which’s frozen
And considering my change I’d like to express my gratitude towards you because only you are the reason.

#Poetry #poem #poet #you #are #reason #breakup #heartbreaking #bossbitch #karma

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