

A heroine without a hero
If she was Rose without Jack
She would have just being Rose
On the deck of titanic
She would have viewed the ocean
Felt the ocean breeze
Stared at the clouds and horizon
All on her own
When titanic sank
Maybe she would have drowned
Maybe she would have survived
But she would have being alone
Since she had no lover to call her own

If she was Bella without Edward
She would have just being Bella
She would not have seen the beautiful world
Or felt love greater than blood
Nobody would have held her tight
Or loved her in the twilight

If she was Juliet without Romeo
She would have just being juliet
There would have being none
For whom she could have lived or died
For her, none could lived or died
There would be no sweet lines
Just sorrows and lies
Terrors and hurtful goodbyes
There would be no Romeo to say
"It is the east and Juliet is the sun"
She would not have said to him
"O Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo"
She would have just being a heroine
A heroine without a hero
Just like iggy looking for a saviour