

Puppy Love
Now I sit here all alone

The girl I loved is on her own

I waited and waited but now it's time

To let go of what’s not mine

I stayed up wiping many tears

Throughout the long many years

No girl will ever take her place

That’s a promise I made to Coleface

Rodgers middle school was where we first met

That’s a day I’ll never forget

That same day ended with a kiss

That’s a day I truly miss

She lived behind circle (K)

I would try to visit everyday

Sometimes I wasn’t allowed to go

Because the people I lived with would say no

Her dad didn’t like me he said it to my face

He said he didn’t like me because of my race

I told him I didn’t even care

His daughter was the only reason I was there

I thought we would be together forever

Look at us now we're not together

If I could go back in time

I’d make sure that she’s still mine

I still love her to this day

Even though she is far away

As long as you still have a care bear

Then you will never lose me I’ll always be there

© JT Molina 2003-2007