

forget me not
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
pounding echoes in my thoughts
were they attempting to enter
or banging clenched fists to escape
lost in snow banks melting desire
her breath was gone from earshot
gazing upward from the sidewalk
a possible glimpse
long brunette cursed in that hateful night gown
she may pass by
sihloette behind cold iron rods
meshed glass
absent is the drive to fight
exhausted by each silent night
" A murder"
screamed the crows
shattering a reality imposed
tree tops swayed
gusts of 209 wings
vocals pounding on the fear that clenched to a branch
behind a door so thick
shoes echo with each step
snow turns to liquid
dirt stirs into mud
isolated from all hearts rythm
no longer will tears rule the day
it has all simply gone away
sacred communication of souls once bound
fall silent
to those on the ground