

18 of 30 | ff
It's never a waste to wait. There are just things that need some time, things that will gradually come unexpectedly. You'll just need to carry on and have the eagerness of wanting something leave an impact to reaching it, to your heart, hold it deeply into your heart.

And within the melancholy spring and bittersweet autumn, your heart will let out a sigh as seasons will only pass by, tending from mournings to goodbyes to laughters and joyous smiles.

Just wait and you'll see the distant skies will be cleared from pollution of humankind. Summer will bring forth vibrant colors of new memories and endless possibilities. Winter will dance to tranquil stillness, enchanting frost, and cozy warmth.

Wait for the flowers to bloom, the sun to appear right after it swallowed the world in darkness, the stars on the night sky, and you'll understand why waiting is beautiful.

© aubby.krrn