

She met me by the pier she got close and i held her near
We spoke of all things but then it came to the kiss and again she was shy
and again i asked why
I did my best to not act a fool
For disrespecting such a princess would violate my first rule
I layed before her and she danced to the sounds of the wind
Until i felt her by my side so i opened my eyes
I couldnt resist the feeling of serenty
Along with the ambiance in the air
I knew i couldnt fight this too familiar feeling of tranquility
Could it be she turnout to be another person who doesnt want me?
The possibility alone miraculous to me
Id be baffled to find out she didnt love me
I understand her fear and concern, for ive lived a life riddled with betrayal
Cursed at one point before my heart could be heard beating still deep within the trenches of its cell
Her heart as well as mine survives in a world that has endured its own personal hell
After a moment of word i told her to kiss me and without another word she threw caution to the wind
One kiss became another
Unable to break the bond in our eyes we were beyond mystified with bewilderment
She held her glaze upon my leering eyes kisses me saying "your incredible"
I found myself Lost in a trance
i fell into the world of defying the impossible,
realizing this may be our one shot and last chance
so gleefully she danced under the full moon where fantasys become real
the fate of the undenyable
Sealed in the cosmos and written in the stars
Was two hearts twined in the realms of the romantically inevitable

© Christopher j. Jarman