

318. There'll be days
There'll be days when there's still pain
Days it will still be a headache
Or headaches will still happen
Days that challenge

There'll be days when focus fades
Days where it's harder to concentrate
Where you feel yourself fading back
Days that serve as reminders

There'll be weeks that you struggle
Weeks where it all seems impossible
Just to maintain the same cadence
Weeks that test patience, and courage

There'll be weeks where you don't know
What the hell you're doing
Where you life is going
But you will endure because.

There'll be months where great victory
Occurs and great feelings come about
There'll be months you feel better
And maybe even the best in a long while

There'll be months to look back at
With pride in your heart
Months where you push forward+
Beyond what you ever thought possible

There'll be years where gold will be struck
Dreams fulfilled, you biggest goals
Shining brighter than any diamond
Your biggest hopes no longer impossible

And you better believe there'll be decades
Where you look back in amazement
With relief and more light than ever
And see Something spectacular…

That is why you'll remember that one day
A best day, and the scariest day together
The day that jolted all this beauty
The day that reminded you why we live.

And not just how…