

Ethereal Embrace
Beneath the moon’s soft, silvery glow,
Your whispers dance like shadows low,
Our bodies close, a gentle sway,
In this enchanted, twilight bay.

Your eyes, deep pools, in starlight gleam,
Unlock the gates to every dream,
Lips that promise, soft and sweet,
In secret corners, where hearts meet.

With every touch, desire's embrace,
We carve a world in time and space,
Where love and passion intertwine,
In silken threads, your soul and mine.

The night grows deep, our breaths align,
In this wild dance, you are mine,
A symphony of heartbeats, pure,
Two souls in rapture, love’s allure.

So here we lie, beneath the skies,
Lost in each other’s fiery eyes,
A love that burns, yet tender stays,
A beautiful purpose, in endless ways.

#poetry #poet #romance #Love&love #WritcoQuote #writco #writcoapp #writer