

Friends and Monsters
Friends as monsters, friends as fiends... it's right there on the nose, the truth which will undoubtedly be unveiled. How well do you know your friends?
show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are.
Half the time, we gasp in shock at the revealed truth.
The fiend had always been disguised as a friend.
We can't be observant enough,
the heart of a woman is a deep ocean of secrets,
and the average human male has the skill to take a secret to his grave.
We don't know who is who until we finally do and it's too late.
Sadly, some people know and love their monsters just the way they are...
Your friends could be monsters, undoubtedly, because we live in a strange, twisted world... Monsters are friends. If our friends are monsters, what does that make us?

© Olatunde Gbenuola