

Whispers of the unseen
In the shadows, she quietly resides,
A girl unseen, her heart gently hides.
Always an option, never a priority,
Yearning for attention, a longing story.

Her sister shines, a perfect facade,
While she craves the spotlight, feeling flawed.
Yet she wears a mask, concealing her pain,
Unaffected by taunts, she won't let them gain.

The "fat funny friend," they call her with jest,
But she's more than that, she's truly blessed.
Lost in fictional worlds, she finds her escape,
Where reality fades, dreams take shape.

Her wardrobe, a canvas for self-expression,
No interference, just pure liberation.
She'll wear what she wants, without a care,
Embracing her uniqueness, a beauty rare.

So let her be seen, this girl so strong,
Her spirit resilient, her journey long.
For within her lies a world untold,
A girl with a story waiting to unfold.

© bably