

Shattered Hourglass⏳💔
Wasted a decade and more
Waited for the moment the efforts would be seen
Met a lot who thought twas worth it
Only this acceptance always mattered


Tried to get lose from broken shackles
Day after day, wish you were dead
Knew however life wouldn't be same
Selfishness vain or gain?


Looked left and right but no one alike
Strived to beat the mark but all was null
Being made useless twas the best yet
Oh but a few who knew the pain!


Wondered so much about the background
Glimpses here and there got at best
Imagined the worst which turned the best
How could such best be best really


World full of martyrs yet no deciphering
Saints gallivanting with no restraint order
Lose all to get the one that is needed
Rather sanity than pleasure?


Chose the best or so it seemed
The little heart havoc wrecked
Just a little while more or a million years to come
Oh how close yet far away❗

© Chantal