

The Written Apology
An apology doesn't mean a thing....
Especially if it's not from an place of sincere regret..
but words can be crafty,
when used in the right way.
This is his and my dumbstruck heart,
don't know what to say.

"These two week have been amazing...
It was an honor getting to know you punk...
For the first time in a long time I've experienced a blissful soul that conceals her true self.
Wearing a mask an armor to protect her fragile heart from crumbling into tiny pieces.
One that still hold onto the thread of faith,
awaiting her time to be redeemed and restored from this cruel world filled with mario's wielding sledge hammers to crush anything that is of value.
My feelings are as your, but with a ancors in the deepest depths of the sea, holding me at bay.
Down to every last nerve and chemical reaction was of the purest kind.
So I refuse to destroy that which is precious to me, that I hold dear to my heart.
That which flew from the inner core of our being (love).
It is true, it is real, it is precious❤.
P.s: I'm sorry for everything🌹."

Is this apology worth accepting?...
or is it really just a play on words?

© aiidisconnected