

Imperishable Nights
Nights with you are like the odes
trying to engulf me with their enchanting harmonies.
The night becomes magically beautiful, when you make me complete with your wild passionate kisses.
I desire to rest myself upon you just like the tide rests itself calmly upon the sea.

The long, melancholic roar of the moon acquires sea of faith and happiness once you grab me in your compassionate arms.

Your glaring eyes unravel my mind and heart instantly as I make a wish, your alluring fingers eagerly offer me the painful bliss which I keep craving for.

The juiciness of your substance attracts
me to give you utmost delectation. I want you to taste freedom and relish the delicious feeling of getting aroused.
I desire that our heart beat exuberantly in unison and the joyous land of dreams awards us ecstatic unity.

I want us to be loved by love imperishably.
© Miss Banerjee