

I sit and my sight becomes blury
As my soul wanders to the past
Though physically seated
I have no control over my soul
Neither do I know who commands it

As it wonders , my soul goes back
Back to those long charts we used to have
Ohhh ! You used to make me ecstatic
That my ribs would hurt all week
How I wish I hadn't ruined it

As it wanders, my soul drifts back
Back to that one walk we had
It was only and only one
But I shan't forget it
And I hanker for another

As it roams , my soul is sent back
To all those times we teased eachother
You asked for an embrace... Only in vain
Then we opted to bet
And You still owe me some dollars

As it wanders, am physically affected
My eyes become cloudy , for I ruined it
I ruined what we shared
Friendship that took eternity to build
Came tumbling down

As it roams, My soul wishes
It wishes it could take the body with it
And rekindle what is tumbled
To it's dismay , Its an impossibility
It's body can only hope for a better tomorrow
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