

how i would have loved if u had understood
Oh how i would have loved if u had understood how i felt.
How my heat skipped a beat when u smiled
And you tears made my heart bleed,
How when u laughed the sonorous sounds echoed
Through my ears, like a hymn.
If only u had understood how much i adored u;
If only...

Yet how i feel is of little to none of your concerns.
Well, ofcourse cause they are my feelings
They got nothing to do with u.
I blame u not for how i feel; u merely just existed.
The importance of your existence i created
And that, a deliberate choice of mine.
How your every action affected my mood
And how i worshipped u one moon after another,
I revolved my life around u; pathetic as it may seem
I chose to call it hopelessly romantic.
Call it what u want, i loved u then and i love u now.
I may nor may not to continue but u have no right to denounce otherwise-
For these feelings are mine and mine alone,
It wont affect u in any way;
Do u no harm, bring u no joy--
My feelings are mine own.
Yet how i would have loved if u had understood.
© asthashrestha