

You are in my dreams
I love sleeping,
I do it every time,
It now part of my new normal...
I take a nap in mornings, afternoon and night...
But I still don't get enough of it..

Everytime I close my eyes I see you,
Visiting me in my dreams like it's real..
You show up in white garments looking like an angel,
I never never meet in person.
You smile sparking like a diamond and piercing through the core of my heart..
I don't want to lie..
Just your innocence smile brightens my day dreaming days..

I love sleeping..
Not because I'm lazy as people mumbles,
but because I get a chance to hold and talk to you in spirits...
I get to think of all the goods times we enjoyed together...

You are always in my dreams,
No wonder I want only to sleep,
So I can picture you and see your beauty.
My dreams is where you still exist,
Where I engage with you whenever I feel lonely.
I only miss you when I am awake,
But just when I close my eyes,
I know your will be waiting for me in my dreams so we can catch up from where we left off.
May your soul continue to rest in piece.
I'll be waiting for you in my dreamland

© Chavani Ripfumelo Constacia