

At Birth
At birth's gentle dawn, a destiny unfurled,
A pen, a book, a brain, the gifts of this world.
In tender innocence, I held them with care,
Embracing the wonders they had to share.

The pen, an instrument of creation and dreams,
A conduit for words, like sparkling moonbeams.
With ink, I would craft tales, both humble and grand,
Gifting life to stories, within my command.

The book, a portal to realms yet untold,
Whispering secrets, its pages unfold.
In its embrace, I found solace and delight,
Immersed in its tales, adventuring through the night.

But the greatest gift bestowed upon my being,
Was the intricate brilliance of a wondrous brain, all-seeing.
A vessel of miracles, of thoughts unrestrained,
A universe of ideas, where wonders remained.

With the pen, the book, and the power within,
I embarked on a journey, my true purpose to begin.
The world became my canvas, my thoughts the ink,
Manifesting visions, allowing my spirit to sync.

Guided by imagination, guided by the heart,
I weaved tales of love, of wisdom, and art.
Each stroke of the pen, a stroke of my soul,
A melody of words, harmonious and whole.

In the pages of life, I penned my own verse,
Leaving imprints of hope, scattered throughout the universe.
With the gifts that birth bestowed upon me,
I continue to write, creating my own legacy.

So, let us cherish the pen, the book, and the brain,
They are beacons of knowledge, of freedom's refrain.
For within their embrace, we find power anew,
To shape our own stories, to dream and pursue.

© Japheth