

Fall in love with me for I am an artist
Love my wiles, my grimy hands and my dirty clothes
Appreciates my untidy room while I'm mulling over my canvas.

Fall in love with me for I am an artist
Enjoy my paintbrushes, pencils and myriad colours that are scattered on my floor.
Admire me when I portray objects, silhouettes and stunning sceneries.

Fall in love with me for I am an artist
Join me in the four breadths of my own realm,
Admire me there while I wandering in my fantasy

Fall in love with me for I am an artist,
Understand my silly thought and my creative mind
Absorb that behind those immense colours is me and my unspoken emotions.

Fall in love with me for I am an artist
Perceive my whims, my woes, my resilience and flaws,
Discover my unpredictable attitudes, and fix me where I am greatly ruined.

Fall in love with me for I am an artist
Appreciate the dreary shade in my creations and the bruises that I'm trying to obscure.
Adore my solitude while I'm airbrushing our own love story.

Fall in love with me for I am an artist
Be my precious colour, my inspiration and restore the missing piece in my soul
While I'm painting our endless love and frame it in my heart.

©Mari Felices

Inspired by the poem FALL IN LOVE WITH AN ARTIST by Ven-Lyn A. Valdez