

"Wings of Chirping Melody, With A Fate So Brief"
On the treetop, a tiny song sparrow sings her song,
Perched on a slender twig, so frail and long,
She feels the branch bend, under the weight of her wings,
Yet she trills and chirps, her
melody brings.

She sings of life,care, love & joy,
Though the branch beneath her bends and employ,
She feels the weight, but
still she sings,
Her heart full of hope, her
spirit rings.

With each chirp and trill, a titmouse takes flight,
Inspired by the sparrow's song, so pure and bright,
Their wings beat in unison, a symphony of sound,
As they dance and flit, around the treetop bound.

In twigs that tremble with
every breeze,
She perches, her feathers
as a tease,
She sings with joy, without a care,
Her voice is so sweet, her
spirit is rare.

For though her branch creaked
and swayed,
And her wings are so small,
yet she did not stray,
She knew her time on
earth was short,
So she sang with all her heart.

She did not want to be
like the humans,
Backstabbing and cruel, with hearts of stone,
She wants to be humble,
free & true,
A bird, with a big heart that flew.

She may have a short lifespan, oh so brief,
But she savors each moment, her spirit is so free,
For she knows that she’s a bird, wild and untamed,
And her wings give her freedom, no matter the game.

She may be very small, but her heart is large & grand,
For she knows that she’s a bird in this big land,
And though her life may be short, she’ll make it count,
For she has wings, and that’s a gift to mount.

Oh, to be a bird perched on a slender spray,
A fragile thing, yet singing
all day,
Beneath the weight of life, the branch may sway,
But still she sings, come
what may.

She knows she’s free, she knows she can fly,
Though her life may be short, she’ll live it high.
In the blue sky, she’ll soar
with grace,
Leaving behind this fragile,
a mortal place.

So she lets the branch bend low and sway,
For in that breaking & bending, she’ll have her way,
And though her life be short,
she’ll play,
And sing her song, all day.

In the treetops, a sparrow
sings her tune,
Perched on a branch that bends beneath her weight,
Yet she sings with joy, her heart full of cheer,
For she knows she has wings, and flight is her fate.

With wings that flutter,
she takes her flight,
Her melody is a wondrous sight,
But alas, her life is short and brief,
For fate has other plans,
it grieves.

She falls, her song silenced
in mid-air,
Her beauty lost, her life unshared,
Yet in her final moments,
she knew,
She lived a life that was
true and true.

For though her time on
earth was brief,
She soared on wings of
joy and relief,
And in her heart, a song remained,
A melody that will forever sustain.

© Aneemkp