

In the ignorance of our longing, we often remain,
Hoping for someone, to ease our pain.
A lover, a friend, or a passerby near,
To validate our worth, and make our fears disappear.

Yet, in this longing, we’re ensnared,
Bound by the belief, that we must be paired.
But healing eludes us, in this waiting game,
For our wounds to mend, we must break free from shame.

Like wounded soldiers on life’s relentless battlefield,
Surrounded by fellow fighters, yet our wounds unhealed.
Seeking solace in the company of others, we endure,
Hoping their presence will alleviate the pain we endure.

Despite their fleeting attempts at consolation, we remain,
Trapped in a state of perpetual despair, our spirits wane.
Left stranded amidst the chaos of our own turmoil,
The people we thought would come to our aid, their promises spoil.

They lead us away from the battlefield, to a hidden place,
Assuring us they’ll find help, leaving us in this space.
We rely on their words, moving as we’re asked,
Suppressing our screams, our agony masked.

As they leave to find help, we lay there alone,
Trying not to draw attention, in silence we groan.
Restricted in movement, we stay out of sight,
Under the bushes we hide, losing strength in our plight.

Rain and storms assail us, the sun scorches our skin,
Yet our wounds remain untreated, deep within.
Their promises to return, nothing but empty air,
Left questioning ourselves, in this desolate affair.

We settle, believing our fate is tied to their return,
But they’ve long deserted us, leaving us to yearn.
Off fending for themselves, they’ve left us behind,
No one to carry our burden, no one to be that kind.

Alone we realize, no one carries a wounded soldier along,
So we must rise up, with strength from where we belong.
Our healing lies within us, not in their hands,
With divine strength, we can pull ourselves from these sands.

If we spend all our time waiting for others to arrive,
Nothing will materialize, we’ll continue to strive.
Awaken your inner self, put your energy there,
Only you can pull yourself from hiding, only you can repair.

Out to light and far from those who caused your plight,
And those who deserted you, in the depths of night.
Perhaps this realization is what I needed to rise,
No one’s coming to save me, I see through their disguise.

© unknown