

The Invisible Girl
She stares out the window quietly hoping that someone would she the tears and help her,
But she know better than that,
They don't really see or know her,
Everyone just glances over her.
She was the definition of an invisible girl,
No one saw her,
No one heard her,
No one cared for her,
No one loved her,
And no one knew her,
So she carried on,
Just hoping that someone will see her.

One day though as silent tears were escaping a boy walked up,
At first she thought she was going crazy,
Or that he would just ignore her like always,
But that didn't happen,
First he said said hi and smiled at her,
Then he started talking to her like she was a friend,
She stayed quiet for a while,
Until she barely whispered" why"
"Why what" he replied,
"Why are you talking to me and why do you care?" she answered'
"Because of the tears covering not only your face but your soul,"
He was the first to see her,
The first person who really hear her heard,
The first person to care about her,
And the first person to try to know her.
From that day on she didn't have to worry about being alone,
And she didn't have to shed her tears alone anymore.
© The Scarlett poet