

Moon home 🏡
Once upon a time, there was a boy, with looks of the moon, and eyes so golden, wide and divine.

And the boy wanted to take a trip, to see the world with his big eyes, and so he went, down the path were people strive.

He came across a red Lily, and he gasped and wondered,

"My how pretty, how sweet are you. Hello red Lily, how do you do?"

And the Lily said,

"I do well, I fill the eyes. I thrive in the swamps, where others die."

The boy nodded, and went on his way.

He came across a green Mountain, and he gasped and wondered,

"My how strong, how tall are you. Hello green Mountain, how do you do?"

And the Mountain said,

"I do well, I stand proud, all types of life thrive from my ground."

The boy nodded, and went on his way.

He came across a white Demon, but the Demon ran away from him,

He tried to follow it, but soon he lost his trails.

The boy gasped and wondered,

"But why, do you want to stay alone? Why don't you want to thrive?"

© chayansays...