

sh, love hate
My relationship with self harm is a love hate situation
I hate how painful the tool feels on me
But I love how it numbs the pain in the head and heart
All the voices gone...
Focused on my physical pain than my emotional and mental
Oh but how I hate...
how it leaves reminders on your skin,
Triggers and unwanted scars.
Fear of not wanting people to see the bruises
Asking "what's that on your hand"
Having to explain yourself
I hate how it's addictive
How it becomes an escape
It becomes something you love and hate at the same time
Something you can't cope without
I love how you quiet down the voices but oh how I hate the markings leave behind
I love that I met you but hate I how I can't leave you alone

© d3adlyk0rbz

#sh #trauma #poetryislife