

A Friendship so rare
In the garden of friendship, a bloom so rare,
A friend who shows me that she truly cares.
With a heart of gold and a spirit so bright,
She's a beacon of love in the darkest of night.

Her beauty shines, both inside and out,
A gentle soul, without a doubt.
Intelligence graces her every thought,
In her friendship, a treasure I've always sought.

Oh, how I miss her, my confidant and guide,
Through life's ups and downs, side by side.
To her, I say, in words so clear,
"I love you, my friend," whispering in her ear.

May she feel the warmth, the affection so true,
Knowing my heart is filled with love anew.
For a friend like her, so precious and rare,
I'm grateful each day, for the love we both share.

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