

Loosing Time
Why do I keep losing time
In my head wishing I could hit rewind
Sometimes happy sometimes sad
Either way I always end up feeling bad

But I never really try to pull myself away
Listening to nightmares unwilling to wake
Getting attached no matter the case
Following dreams I'll never make

Like a line in the sand
Only the wind had made it blurry
Drawn with passion in the past
But the present is in fury

Sometimes it's unavoidable,
The drift into space
But oftentimes I myself am the problem
Turning the lock on my own case

I've become unconformable
With knowledge that something must change
I make no move to tear myself away
Committing myself to a shattered stage

I wonder what is wrong with me
Or whether I'm being pathetic
Victimizing the actions I've chosen
To unjustly justify the misplaced frenetic

I must stop wasting time
Or getting lost in my mind
I must regain my drive
And relearn how to strive

© LiaRay