

evil hands
Why did you do that to her
You touched her and shattered her soul,
You broke her dreams, crushed her hopes.
Didn’t her innocence leave you questioning?
Why did you do it,
When she pleaded for mercy?

You silenced her voice,
Introduced her to a world of cruelty,
Ripped away her light,
And replaced it with darkness.
Why did you push her to the edge,
Where life turned to torment?

She was a flower,
Blooming in the gentle sun,
A heart full of dreams,
And laughter unsung.
You tore her petals,
With hands of malice,
Left her in pieces,
In a cold, dark palace.

She trusted the world,
Believed in its good,
But you, a shadow,
Stood where no shadow should.
Her pleas were whispers,
In a storm of your rage,
Her cries were echoes,
Trapped in your cage.

Why did you break her,
When she begged you to stop?
Why did you thrust her,
Into a deathly drop?
She deserved the stars,
Not a life in chains,
She deserved joy,
Not unending pains.

Now she wanders,
In shadows and fear,
Her spirit fractured,
Her eyes full of tears.
You didn't let her live,
You took her breath,
You led her to despair,
You pushed her to death.

What remains now,
Is a world without light,
A silent testimony,
To your cruel might.
Her dreams are shattered,
Her soul torn apart,
Why did you do that,
Why break her heart?

In the silence she lingers,
A ghost of what was,
A reminder of evil,
Of a world without laws.
But in her brokenness,
A question still burns,
Why did you do it,
When she had nowhere to turn?

Innocence lost,
And purity stained,
A life forever altered,
By the touch of your hand.
Why did you do that to her,
And why does the world
Not understand?

© _areesha